Monday, January 19, 2009

So you think your a genius?

Join us for an informal meeting of the minds on January 22nd at noon in Buchanan E476. The Teaching Brown Bag is an opportunity for faculty, staff and students to come together to eat, talk, and meet other members of the UBC Creative Writing community. This week we will discuss the topic of the romantic artist-genius mythos, and how it finds its way into creative writing programs. Does the mythos of the writer as a divinely inspired being hinder the budding writer? Can creative writing be taught? If we think we're not "geniuses", should we throw in the towel? How can we nurture the process of writing as a craft, without being daunted by the notion of the unattainable masterpiece?

Teaching Brown Bag Lunches meet once a month from noon until 1 pm in Buchanan E476. We look forward to seeing you there! Contact Ray Hsu at for more information.

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